Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What a weekend!!!!!!!

Well we had a very busy and adventurous weekend - I had a birthday party at the shop with 10 6 year olds and lucky for me the other 7 couldn't come lol that went pretty good a couple of the parents stayed to help and found they were having so much fun they are going to book there own night lol

While doing this party my Dh had to go to my mil's house to pick up Natalii's school dresses they were in and out in 10 minutes - you would think not much could happen in such a short time??? Well Natalii did the right thing and walked where the rain wouldn't get her and Jack had to walk in the the rain and get wet so you would think it was Jack that had the broken arm wouldn't you but no Natalii slipped and fell landing on her arm and her bum!!!!

- Gork rang to say he was taking her to the hospital this was about 1.15pm - he didn't think it was broken cause he felt it and of course he knows best lol any way they sat there for a couple of hours and by the time I left work to come there they were waiting on X-ray results.

The X-ray showed a break which needed manipulation so they put a half cast on her and sent us home this was about 6pm. We had to come back the next day and she would be admitted and given a general anesthetic so they could do what they had to.

We took Jack down to my mum's cause we had to get up at 6am to have breakfast, she had to fast from 7am on. We then had to be at the hospital by 12 noon for them to do it at 1.30pm. we got there and where shown a bed in the children's ward (she was in a room with 3 boys) then we waited until the Dr came to explain that she could have to have a wire put in but they would wait and see.

So 1.30pm came and went, By 2.30pm they came and got her and we went up to the area where you wait to go in to surgery well I think it was after 3.30pm by the time they actually took her in, and by 4.15pm the Dr came out to say they didn't put the wire in and that everything went well. She had a lot of swelling and seeing as it was so late in the day (she would have to wait 4 hours before she could go home) they were going to keep her overnight. So on the phone I get to organise everything - Jack to stay at grandma's again and if she can open the shop cause I had to stay with Natalii.

All that was organised and because we came in one car I had to go home with Gork so I had a car to get home the next day cause he had to go to work.

The next day we had to wait for more X-rays and once they were done we could go home but the poor nurse was run off her feet and forgot to get a sling for Natalii so we were still there when she got back from her lunch break - she felt so bad lol so it was around 2.30pm by the time we left.

Any way we got home with no more excitement Natalii got on the computer and chatted to a couple of friends and I vegged on the couch to tired to do anything hahahahaha.

Sue xx

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I have been bitten by the brushes bug all my photos will be brushed and saved hahahaha I can't help myself they look so cool with the little swirls and flowers on them I couldn't beleive how easy it was to do once I down loaded some

Now I just have to find out how to add a pic to my banner and I'll be happy this blogging thing is so cool

Sue xx

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


What girl doesn't love shopping?

This time though it wasn't fun spending over $500 on shopping but it was needed - Natalii's SUMMER and sports uniform and we still need to get her winter uniform but that will wait till closer to 2nd term
Her dress needs taking up cause you can't see any leg between the long white socks and the bottom of the dress lol and this year they have decided to bring in blazers so all year 7's needs one

She did a fashion parade for Gork and showed him all her uniform :( She looks good but it's sad I still can't beleive she is starting High school - when did she get old enough to go lol

She is going to Pascoe Vale Girls College and I have only ever heard good things from parents and girls that go there and from ones that have now left

Natalii will be catching the bus so lots of big steps for her on the 31st January but I know she will be fine she has lots of friends that go there already and I know they will look after her.

Jack will be starting Primary school and I know he can't wait he is marking the days off his calendar every day and is getting very excited that the crosses are near the end lol

He tells everyone his tachers name -Mrs Carmichael and that he is with Mitchell M and Cooper
We got contact for his books and covered them and his uniform is easy some grey shorts, blue polos and burgundy wincheaters best get him some track pants or cargo pants incase it gets cold and he needs smaller polo tops I got him 6's and they come down to hs knees lol looks quite funny to see him with his shorts polo and wincheater the polo hangs out the bottom and just about covers his shorts hahahaha

Well thats my day

Sue xx

Monday, January 16, 2006

Tagged again.....

But this time it's a different one lol thanks Kathy

4 jobs you've done: a gift shop, chemist, childcare, scrapbook shop owner

4 Movies you could watch over and over: Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, any Shirley Temple,Top Gun (cause my dh loves it)

4 Places you have lived: Reservoir, Bundoora, Mill Park, Fawkner

4 TV shows you LOVE to watch: All Saints, NCIS, Biggest Loser, Survivor

4 Places you have been on Vacation: Queensland, Adelaide, Rye, Wodonga

4 websites you visit daily: Top 50, ASC, blogs,

4 of your favorite foods: chinese, pasta, roast pork, any soup

4 places you would rather be right now: anywhere with my dh and kids relaxing, scrapbooking retreat, in bed sleeping, and where I am is pretty good too

4 bloggers you are tagging: Deb, Jude, Rach, Jenni

Sue xx

Thursday, January 12, 2006


OK Michelle has tagged me so here it is......

A is for age: 36
B is for booze of choice: None I used to love Ouzo (sp?) along time ago
C is for career: Scrapbook Store Owner and lovin it
D is for your dad's name: Russell
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Chips
F is forfavoritee song at the moment: HMMMMM too many to choose????
G is forfavoritee game: Any I can play with my family
H is for hometown: None I moved a few times
I is for instruments you play: Piano but not for a long time
J is for jam or jelly you like:yuckk
K is for kids: Natalii (12) and Jack (5)
L is for living arrangements: With the above 2 and my Dh - Gork and polly the love bird
M is for mum's name: Liz
N is for name of your crush: My DH
O is for overnight hospital stays: Too many to list
P is for phobias: Spiders EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q is for quotes you like: Crop tiyahya drop then crop on the floor!!!!
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My DH we are up for 19 years this year
S is for sexual preference: My Dh
U is for underwear: any that fit hahahahaha
V is for vegetable you love: all of them
W is for weekend plans: work and shopping for school uniforms
Y is for yummy food you make: rice, pasta, any foods yummy
Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo

Sue xx

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I had my first jump on our new one last night - Man that was fun lol How long it's been since you went on a tramp for me it has to be over 20 years ( OMG showing my age now) I got on and just bounced on my bum for a bit then Jack got on and while I was bouncing he was jumping I had tears rolling down my face he got higher and higher hahahahaha we couldn't stop laughing. So now every night if it's not raining I am gonna go on the trap with him and have a bounce - does this count for exercise???? Oh well it's fun anyway.

The kids are going to the museum with Mum and Mark tomorrow so it will be quiet at the shop with no kids nagging they're bored. Hopefully they will have a good day.

Well not much else has happened so off to do some work

Sue xx

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I am addicted to canvas
The 2 hot pnk ones I have done for Natalii's room she decided that she wanted Hot Pink in there now so we are adding some bits to her yellow and purple instead of painting again

The one with the photos is of her and her friends on the last day of school - none of them are going to the same school as her

Mel was telling us about a shop she went to for the kids bedrooms and things and how they had these canvases that had the kids names on it. The paste was swirled over the canvas and left white with the name all colourful pushed into it

So now some of the canvases I have done this way with the texture past alot of fun but a bit smelly

Canvases make the nicest present don't you think?

I made 2 for my sil for xmas - she is Jacks godmother. One had her dd and jack on it and then I thought that I better do one of Natalii as well

This on of natalii is a little bit bigger than a 6x4 photo it's so cute

The photo is of Natalii on her grade 6 graduation night just before she left

Sue xx

Friday, January 06, 2006


I love shoes I think I have about 20 pairs at the moment the last pair I bought my family have told me they don't want to be seen with me while I am wearing them so looks like I will have some me time lol

Here they are what do you think?

I love pink and chocolate together and these are so cumfy

I still have my wedding shoes I just can't part with them they are a pearl white and very pointy toed not very comfortable but who ever is on thier wedding day........

sue xx

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dad's day out

We took the kids to see The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe on Thursday night at the drive-ins.

Cause it’s day light savings the movie didn’t start till 9.30pm so it was midnight by the time we got home

The movie was great – the effects were fantastic

I think it was a bit too long for Jack as he wriggled in his seat, spilt lemonade over my console in the car and then Natalii put her chips right next to him and he knocked them and they fell out and all over the floor oh well another job for dad lol

On Friday Gork took the kids to the movies and they saw Cheaper by the dozen 2 and loved it then he took them shopping – Natalii needed some shorts and Jack needed some sandals he also bought himself some new t shirts

He then went home and got their bathers and went to the pool for a couple of hours the kids had a ball

It was Joshua’s birthday so we went and saw him that night – he liked his present (Gork picked it out)

Sue xx

Last day of school

I know I'm not in order here of the days on which these things happen but I feel I have to get these things down so I don't forget

The last day of school for Natalii was a big one - she is leaving all her friends and going to a different school hopefully they will still keep in contact with her once they all get to thier own schools - most of them are going to Niddrie or Craigieburn

I made sure I got to the last assembly

There were quit a few grade 6 mums there all armed with tissues lol
They did all the usual stuff - awards and farwells to teachers then the grade 5 kids sang a song to them - The Time of your life (Green Day) which started all the girls crying which then stared some of the mum's lol
Then Daniel Borelli sang the key parts of We Are the Champions (Queen) and the kids sang the chorus by then most of the girls couldn't sing through all the tears

Alot of the mum's were crying as well.

After the assembly they all went back to their classrooms for the last time and Marissa (Natalii's teacher) said a farewell to them and wished all the grade 6's good luck for the year ahead of them at High School

I made sure I took heaps of pic's of Natalii with all her friends so she can scrap them over the holidays

Sue xx


Natalii got her Graduation DVD in the mail the other day I still haven't watched the whole thing

I still can't beleive that she has finished primary school

She had herhair done at Fiona's which was good cause Jack had the other kids to play with.

Rohan picked her up in his ferrari and she was the last to get there - everyone was still out the front waiting to go in so they all saw her arrive - she was very embarassed lol Gork was thrilled that she arrived last.

Darija, Ivana, Baba, Grandma and frank came with us to watch the ceremony I hadn't told them that she was getting a scholarship so they were so excited when Mr Hughes called out her name
I was so proud of her and had to hold back the tears

Sue xx