What a weekend!!!!!!!
Well we had a very busy and adventurous weekend - I had a birthday party at the shop with 10 6 year olds and lucky for me the other 7 couldn't come lol that went pretty good a couple of the parents stayed to help and found they were having so much fun they are going to book there own night lol
While doing this party my Dh had to go to my mil's house to pick up Natalii's school dresses they were in and out in 10 minutes - you would think not much could happen in such a short time??? Well Natalii did the right thing and walked where the rain wouldn't get her and Jack had to walk in the the rain and get wet so you would think it was Jack that had the broken arm wouldn't you but no Natalii slipped and fell landing on her arm and her bum!!!!- Gork rang to say he was taking her to the hospital this was about 1.15pm - he didn't think it was broken cause he felt it and of course he knows best lol any way they sat there for a couple of hours and by the time I left work to come there they were waiting on X-ray results.
The X-ray showed a break which needed manipulation so they put a half cast on her and sent us home this was about 6pm. We had to come back the next day and she would be admitted and given a general anesthetic so they could do what they had to.
We took Jack down to my mum's cause we had to get up at 6am to have breakfast, she had to fast from 7am on. We then had to be at the hospital by 12 noon for them to do it at 1.30pm. we got there and where shown a bed in the children's ward (she was in a room with 3 boys) then we waited until the Dr came to explain that she could have to have a wire put in but they would wait and see.
So 1.30pm came and went, By 2.30pm they came and got her and we went up to the area where you wait to go in to surgery well I think it was after 3.30pm by the time they actually took her in, and by 4.15pm the Dr came out to say they didn't put the wire in and that everything went well. She had a lot of swelling and seeing as it was so late in the day (she would have to wait 4 hours before she could go home) they were going to keep her overnight. So on the phone I get to organise everything - Jack to stay at grandma's again and if she can open the shop cause I had to stay with Natalii.
All that was organised and because we came in one car I had to go home with Gork so I had a car to get home the next day cause he had to go to work.
The next day we had to wait for more X-rays and once they were done we could go home but the poor nurse was run off her feet and forgot to get a sling for Natalii so we were still there when she got back from her lunch break - she felt so bad lol so it was around 2.30pm by the time we left.
Any way we got home with no more excitement Natalii got on the computer and chatted to a couple of friends and I vegged on the couch to tired to do anything hahahahaha.
Sue xx