Saturday, January 07, 2006


I am addicted to canvas
The 2 hot pnk ones I have done for Natalii's room she decided that she wanted Hot Pink in there now so we are adding some bits to her yellow and purple instead of painting again

The one with the photos is of her and her friends on the last day of school - none of them are going to the same school as her

Mel was telling us about a shop she went to for the kids bedrooms and things and how they had these canvases that had the kids names on it. The paste was swirled over the canvas and left white with the name all colourful pushed into it

So now some of the canvases I have done this way with the texture past alot of fun but a bit smelly

Canvases make the nicest present don't you think?

I made 2 for my sil for xmas - she is Jacks godmother. One had her dd and jack on it and then I thought that I better do one of Natalii as well

This on of natalii is a little bit bigger than a 6x4 photo it's so cute

The photo is of Natalii on her grade 6 graduation night just before she left

Sue xx

1 comment:

Lisa Gibbs said...

What a spunk she is!!!! All grown up now Sue!!!