Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dad's day out

We took the kids to see The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe on Thursday night at the drive-ins.

Cause it’s day light savings the movie didn’t start till 9.30pm so it was midnight by the time we got home

The movie was great – the effects were fantastic

I think it was a bit too long for Jack as he wriggled in his seat, spilt lemonade over my console in the car and then Natalii put her chips right next to him and he knocked them and they fell out and all over the floor oh well another job for dad lol

On Friday Gork took the kids to the movies and they saw Cheaper by the dozen 2 and loved it then he took them shopping – Natalii needed some shorts and Jack needed some sandals he also bought himself some new t shirts

He then went home and got their bathers and went to the pool for a couple of hours the kids had a ball

It was Joshua’s birthday so we went and saw him that night – he liked his present (Gork picked it out)

Sue xx

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